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Maya Redshift 3D - Unified Sampling & Cleaning Noise



This tutorial will cover Redshifts Unified Sampling \ Adaptive Sampling system and how to optimize it to increase render speeds and reduce noise. The video is broken up into two parts. The first half covers what the Unified Sampler does behind the scenes. The "WHY" and the 2nd part covers the "HOW" of using the Unified Sampler properly. I have also attached the image graphic for users to reference and read in detail how the Unified Sampler works behind the scenes. Feel free to comment or leave any questions below.


Redshift is the world's fastest renderer built to meet the specific demands of contemporary high-end production rendering. By leveraging the incredible computing performance and efficiency of the GPU, Redshift dramatically speeds up rendering, resulting in faster iteration and lower costs. Tailored to support creative individuals and studios of every size, Redshift offers a suite of powerful features and integrates with industry-standard CG applications.



Author: Saul Espinosa


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